How to Start Over?
For transitioning to a new career, it's important to recover, identify your true interests, and gradually move towards them while keeping financial stability in mind.
For transitioning to a new career, it's important to recover, identify your true interests, and gradually move towards them while keeping financial stability in mind.
If you have ADHD like me, or you simply want to achieve maximum productivity in negotiations and presentations - here's an excellent tool that I've been using since childhood, now enhanced with Dan Roam's ideas.
How do you transition from a specialist role to a managerial role? Is it worth doing? What skills are necessary? What sacrifices will need to be made?
The changing of eras requires a change in mindset and new skills. Progress no longer allows us to remain in one role or profession for a lifetime, and to achieve success, we must learn to adapt and learn continuously. This is the key idea with which our conversation begins.
Do you consider yourself an unrivaled expert in your field? Are your professional skills flawless, and are you confident that this guarantees your success? What if I told you that this is no longer enough? Many talented 'rock stars' are losing their careers due to one overlooked detail...
I ended up with two thoughts in one article, a long beginning, and an unexpected ending. Read it all, I hope you like it. This is my story.
A way to make complex decisions, especially for those with ADHD, burnout, or in crisis.
Hello, dear ones! Today I want to propose a simple idea that, despite requiring some effort, will bring disproportionately large results. All that is required of you is to be open to new things and adjust your thinking to flexibility. Let's give it a try! How do we